Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Sun Shall Be Setting Soon... Hopefully

I deemed it fitting that my next victim be the point guard for the Suns, who took out my beloved Spurs in the Playoffs this year. I figure criticizing his hairstyle of choice might make me feel a little better about the Spurs losing. I’m sure you know who I am talking about, and you’ve even probably thought to yourself that he sure could use a haircut. So my next victim (drumroll please) is Steve Nash.

As you can see from the picture on the right, even though his hair isn’t insanely long like Chris Kaman’s it is still too long for its own good. I think the big problem becomes apparent in the middle of a game when he is sweating profusely. His hair becomes all wet and gross, and he has to put it behind his ears. When this happens, I find myself shielding my eyes from the television because it is too gross of a site to look at. He needs to realize that long hair is not the optimal choice during a basketball game.

Come on Steve Nash, the part down the middle was out of style a long time ago. It doesn’t look good, so come on get a haircut already. You looked so much better in the past when you actually had short hair which made it seem like you cared about how you looked. You actually were almost unrecognizable with short hair. You almost looked halfway decent (did I just say that?). I hope one day soon, the sun will be setting on that hideous hair.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I'm Going to Write His Fan Club

So let me begin by telling you a little about myself and where my idea for this blog came from. My name is Jackie and I will have to admit I am nowhere near being an expert on hair, but I would like to think I have some sense of knowing when I see a bad haircut.

Back in April of 2005, I was watching a Spurs vs. Clippers game and all of a sudden someone with awful looking hair popped up onto the screen. Not knowing much about the Clippers, I had no idea what the name of the player was, so I had blurted out, "who is that guy? He sure could use a haircut!" My friend Drew then replies, "his name is Chris Kaman" to which I respond "well I'm going to write his fan club to tell him that he needs a haircut because he looks a huge ogre!" If you want to see what I am talking about, look at the picture I posted of Kaman. Don't you agree that he could use a haircut?!?!

So this is where it all started and has been a joke with my friends ever since. Anytime I comment about a sports star, they always say I think you should write his fanclub. I always say I will but so far I have yet to do so. So this is my first step toward "writing their fanclub". I hope you enjoy reading, I am going to try to update whenever I see someone that I think needs a haircut or when I think that I need to write someone's fan club to let them know what's on my mind :)